The Winter Clock Change…What Can I Do?

So prior to becoming a parent, I used to love the clock change in October. An extra hour back. Eh hello! Since having my son though, my view has slightly changed. I have a rumble in my tummy when it comes about. The thought of watching Paw Patrol at 5:05am haunts me. Joking aside, it does cause some anxiety and worry to so many parents. And rightly so if your little one is already up with the birds or quite reactive to any changes in routine. 

I don't like to give this too much attention though as often nothing much happens, it's a little rough for a few nights or in some cases, you win and they sleep a little longer than usual. Either way, giving it too much focus or worry before it comes isn't worth energy so I thought I’d blog my clock change guide to give you some ideas on what you "could" do, if you want to do anything at all. Keep cool, it will pass and just be consistent with the rest of your routine. Things will fall back into place.

Things to Remember

  • As always, please take these are purely tips, not "must do's".

  • Focus on continuing to start the day at the same time as before the clock change in order to keep your baby's circadian rhythm (body clock) regulated.

  • Exposing your baby to natural daylight (even just standing by a window/door) first thing when they wake is also a great help.

  • Your baby may be a little more tired/grumpy the day of/after the clock change however this should pass quickly once they adjust to the new timings.

  • If you find doing this quite stressful, consider stopping and take comfort in knowing any upset caused due to the clock change will iron out in a few days as long as you're consistent with your routine.

Option 1 - Take Small Steps a Few Nights Before

Does your baby struggle with small changes to their routine?

The goal here is to gradually adjust their overall routine so that they are able to fall asleep at their regular bedtime when the clocks change.

To do this I recommend moving wake up time/naps and bedtime 15 minutes later for the 3 days leading up to the clock change (as always, avoid keeping baby up too long after their last nap as this will likely cause more damage than good).

Example: if bedtime is currently 6:30pm, on day 1 make it 6:45pm, day 2 7:00pm, day 3 7:15pm Remember:

Push all of their routine out when doing this (feeds/meals/naps etc.)

Option 2 - A Little Tweak the Night Before

If your little one copes quite well with changes to routine etc. and is already sleeping to a reasonable time in the morning, consider putting them to bed 30 minutes later the night before the clock change.

A 30 minutes increase in their last wake window can be quite a lot (especially for younger babies) so ensure you keep the time between dinner and bedtime more chilled than usual so not burn up to much energy and tip them into an overtired state.

There's no guarantee this will make a huge difference however it offers them a slight helping hand in the transition to the new time.

Option 3 - Take it Easy

Does your baby have an easy going temperament or do you have a little one who snoozes until quite late in the AM?

This may be a great opportunity for you to let nature run it's course.

For those parents who prefer to go with the flow, this approach is perfect for you.

The plan is nothing, change nothing and stick to your usual routine and allow nature to iron things out naturally.

Please note there are no guarantee's when trying this. These are suggestions and may work a treat or not at all. Each baby is 100% unique and will respond in their own way.


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