Newborn Focus - My top tips for the early days

Nothing will ever quite prepare you for the reality of having your Newborn baby with you. I think every emotion possible runs through you at some point. There is a level of tiredness that you just didn’t think was possible and a sudden focus on getting more sleep. I’ve openly admitted I became unhealthily obsessed with Newborn sleep and now understand it was due to the fact I didn’t understand it.

I work closely with many parents during the third trimester of their pregnancy. It’s at this time where I help educate them on Newborn Sleep, the science behind it, why babies sleep the way they do, what’s normal, coping strategies and most importantly, acknowledging the 4th Trimester and the impact is has on everyone.

Here are some of the key things I always talk about. Sometimes just knowing this and understanding it can make you feel way less anxious about the situation you are currently in and furthermore, appreciating the needs of your Newborn during this stage in their new life.

  • Babies are not born with a Circadian Rhythm (Body Clock) and do not produce Melatonin (our sleepy hormone). These both develop closer to 10 - 12 weeks old.

  • Sleep pressure (the hormone adenosine) is what helps babies go to sleep in the Newborn phase. We want our little ones to build enough sleep pressure to be able to go to sleep, this is where starting to keep an eye on age appropriate wake windows around 8+ weeks really helps to support good sleep habits.

  • Newborns (*before 4 months) sleep in shorter sleep cycles and only really sleep in active sleep (what we adults refer to as REM Sleep - Rapid Eye Movement). This is due to all of the spectacular and enormous development that is taking place.

  • Newborns genuinely don’t have a clue about the difference between day and night. This will improve the more their body clock develops and you can help by keeping the days bright and the nights dark.

  • The 4th Trimester is a real thing for both mum and baby. Keeping things as much like the womb as possible is a comforting thing for your Newborn not a neediness, more of a supporting measure in helping him/her get used to this whole new world they has joined.

  • Lots of snuggles and skin on skin time is great, bask in it or let others share the joy. 

  • Newborns are hard to put down. They want to be with the one person who makes them feel safe. It’s so overwhelming at times and please know that they are doing it because you are their everything. 

  • Naps are inconsistent. Please do not worry about any sort of structure for now. 8+ weeks is a good time to start looking at introducing a gentle routine. If and only if, you want to/feel ready.

If you want to learn more, really grasp Newborn sleep and educate yourself on the world you are just about to embark, consider attending one of our virtual Newborn Webinars, where you get to be part of a small group session (capped at 5 couples), lead by myself and meet other likeminded parents. Click here to find out more: Newborn Sleep Webinar Upcoming Dates.


The Winter Clock Change…What Can I Do?


And just like that, I have a 2 year old