“The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem”.

Learn about what my client’s journeys have been like. They will guide you best in understanding what can be achieved through working with me.

Some more testimonials from the families I’ve helped…

“My 4 weeks with Lucy have been so informative, rewarding and enlightening. I went into this process not knowing what to expect and am leaving with so many tools in my armoury to tackle whatever sleep challenge we may face. Lucy is so friendly, non-judgemental and helpful. She is extremely knowledgeable and it’s clear that she is passionate about what she does. Best of all, she really cares. It was so comforting to know that she was in my pocket every day and no question was ever too silly. I am seriously going to miss her! Thanks to Lucy’s advice and encouragement, I no longer dread bedtime and we are having much more settled nights.”

Amie, mum to Alexander (18 months).

“Lucy has been absolutely brilliant from start to finish, she has been so supportive and encouraging, when we first spoke, I was having to lay down with my little one to get her to sleep and through the night she would waken and come into our bed. I no longer have to lay down with her and although she still wakes through the night, she goes back to sleep in her own bed which is amazing and through time with continuing to use the strategies Lucy has given me hopefully she'll be sleeping right through the night. Thank you, Lucy it's been an absolute pleasure working with you.”

Caroline, mum to Georgia-Rose (3.5 years).

“Lucy’s help was invaluable. My little boy who is 8 months old regularly woke up hourly during the night and day time naps were inconsistent. Lucy really took the time to understand our sleep issues and get to know both Dominic, myself and our family life. Clear and concise action points were agreed on with Lucy’s advice and guidance being considerate of our existing day to day routine. Thanks to Lucy Dominic is in a much better day time sleep routine and we are all getting more sleep at night.”

Stephanie, mum to Domenic (8 months).

“Gabriel wasn't a particularly bad sleeper, we just struggled to have consistency at nap and bedtimes each day and struggled to get him to fall asleep at night. Our initial consultation with Lucy was superb and so valuable in really getting to the bottom of the issues we were experiencing. She gave great support and advice and made sure it was a team effort in coming up with potential ways to solve the sleep issues. Her open, friendly, caring, patient and understanding manner made it so easy to work with her and put my absolute full trust in her from the get go. Having set out small achievable changes to our/Gabriel's sleep routine made it so easy to implement them straight away and the results that we started seeing within a short space of time were incredible. Having Lucy's daily check in with us was just amazing and made us really feel like she was fully supporting us and with us on every step of our journey. Our weekly phone calls were also fantastic as it gave us the opportunity to talk in more depth about how our week was going/went and discuss our progress. To see the changes and how far we have come with Gabriel's sleep pattern through working with Lucy and her support over 3 weeks is just incredible and has made such a massive difference to our family life and Gabriel's new sleep pattern, which we are building as our normal routine. I cannot thank Lucy enough for how she has helped our family and what we have achieved through working with her. Her commitment and dedication, passion and enthusiasm are what makes her so great at her job as a sleep coach and she is such a genuine and caring person who I cannot speak highly enough of or recommend her more to work with. A million thank yous Lucy, we are forever grateful for how you have helped us!”

Carolyn & Drew, parents to Gabriel (7.5 months).

“I discovered Lucy and we arranged a Discovery Call. I instantly felt a connection during our first conversation. My youngest daughter Isla is 28 months and doesn't sleep in her own bed and has constant night waking. Lucy asked me to complete a questionnaire and she collated the results to come up with a bespoke plan to meet my daughter's needs. I followed this plan and was amazed that I managed to get Isla to sleep in her own bed, but Lucy also let me know it doesn’t always work and not to be disheartened if a curveball happens. Which really helped when after the first week going perfectly Isla started making a fuss about going into her bed, but Lucy’s given me the support to keep going not only for Isla but for us as a family, this support has been so valued by our family. The support came in the place of daily messages via an app and weekly phone calls to check in, I knew I could always contact Lucy if I needed any support during our time together. Any family that gets the chance to work alongside Lucy will hopefully feel as empowered now as I do.”

Carly, mum to Isla (2.5 years).

“Thank you so much for your help, Lucy, it has been invaluable as it has given me knowledge and understanding but also the confidence in what we are doing. I’ve learnt so much about baby sleep, and no longer feel the need to Google everything to try and understand what is going on and why. I no longer second guess every decision I make either which is so much nicer! My baby boy is sleeping better, and it is so much easier to set up each day with the knowledge you have shared. Even if something doesn't go to plan, we reset and restart and it no longer stresses me out. The daily check-ins were really helpful as well as they allowed me to ask any questions in between our weekly check in calls. Thank you for all your time and for really getting to know Dylan and what worked for us instead of just applying one approach that fits all.”

Georgie, mum to Dylan (4 months).

“Lucy has helped us so much! Millies's sleep has improved more than we could have hoped for. All the advice she gave us made a huge difference. My husband and I are over the moon. I would highly recommend her. She was so supportive and checked in lots. She was also really flexible and worked around our family’s schedule. Thank you so much Lucy.”

Katie, mum to Millie (7 months).

“Lucy's support is hands down the best newborn purchase we have made. When I contacted Lucy I was overwhelmed with all the information available on babies' sleep and where I needed to start to make improvements. I was shattered with a 4month old who was up multiple times a night (sometimes hourly). It was taking 2hrs+ a night to get her to sleep at bedtime, it was extremely difficult to settle her at 4/5am when she woke and naps were all over the place. Lucy has incredible attention to detail and based on the information I provided she created a bespoke plan which was adapted as things progressed to ensure it was working for Sophia (our 4month old) and the rest of the family. Following Lucy's plan we are now getting less frequent wake ups, when she does I can settle her extremely quickly, it takes a max 15min to get baby in her cot and asleep at bedtime, her naps are more predictable and she'll happily sleep in her cot but the best thing out of it all is I can now spend 1:1 time with my eldest, he's been a little superstar since his sister arrived but being able to have some time just us is invaluable. I'd missed being part of his bedtime routine, reading and playing with him. I'm so grateful we are now able to spend this precious time together.”

Laura and Chris, parents to Sophia (4 months).

“Our 4 month old son had been very difficult to settle in the evenings from around 8 weeks old. I had so much anxiety as the evenings approached…However, since working with Lucy, we’ve gone from having very long evening / bed routines that would sometimes go on until 10pm at night & always ended with him in our bed, to being asleep by 7/7.30pm every night in his own next2me cot. I also have a far better understanding of his wake windows & sleep needs & feel more relaxed as a result. Added bonus, we now have some time to ourselves in the evenings! Can’t recommend Lucy enough.”

Lynda, mum to Reuben (3 months).