Is it time to change our view on Newborn Sleep?

It’s a “yes” from me! We live in a world that craves fast solutions, which sets unrealistic expectations, often lacking in love & empathy, leading to us not giving things the time & attention they need & deserve. This is also unfortunately a very accurate picture of how many people view newborn sleep.

As parents, we all deserve to be taught about newborn sleep however the sad reality is that we are not. We have been left to fend for ourselves or "learn as we go" whilst going through one of the greatest life changing experiences; becoming parents & being 100% responsible for someone else’s life.

It doesn't matter if it is your 1st or 3rd child, learning about newborn sleep is a fundamental part of parenthood & is unavoidable. We can't escape what happens & we don't need to. What we need is to learn. To understand what is going on during the 4th Trimester & respond accordingly. Keeping trust, love & connection at the core throughout.

The newborn months (0-4 months) are precious & we should be able to enjoy this time as much as possible & be able to bask in the cuddles & abundance of love as these moments will be imprinted on our hearts forever. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by loud influences (social media I am talking to you), which often criminalise the sheer beauty & innocence of a newborn; the need to be held &, set ludicrous expectations on both parents & baby, who are finding their feet daily in this new world as a family.

Well, I’m done with these view & these opinions. Bye bye. I want to make a positive difference & help as many parents as I can in doing so. My solution - “Our Newborn Sleep Guide”. It was created to provide you with education, insight, clarity & support around newborn sleep.

I’m no sleep genie/magician & it does not provide the answer to your unique problems/situation or miracle advice to reverse the laws of nature after having your newborn. It’s provides you with the information & knowledge I believe every single parent is entitled to/deserving of, plus some extras from me, allowing you to find your own bespoke way in supporting your newborn on their own sleep journey.

What’s Covered

The guide takes you through the following topics & provides you with what I believe are the nuggets of education & information that will actually support, educate & comfort you, without any wild expectations on your & your newborn.

  • The 4th Trimester & The Newborn Need

  • Newborn Sleep Science How Newborns Sleep

  • Coping Strategies/Tips

  • How/When to Introduce a Gentle Routine

  • The 4 Month Sleep Transformation

  • The Newborn Parent Toolkit

As parents, we can individually start to change the way newborn sleep is perceived, purely by educating ourselves on the subject before our little ones arrive. Newborn sleep is 100% guaranteed to impact you. There is no way of avoiding it. It’s like giving birth in order to have your baby. It’s an absolute certainty.

The extent of its impact on you will always vary however, like anything in life, having an understanding of sleep will help in so many ways, reducing anxieties that are created around how little we are taught & actually know about newborn sleep, leading to us “winging it” or listening to the voices that should be on mute.

You can view & buy our Newborn Sleep Guide here. Have a look. It might be exactly what you didn’t know you were looking for.

Invest now & benefit forever more.

(A very passionate on this subject - Lucy x)


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