My Letter to Clyde. Our Breastfeeding Journey.

A letter to Clyde.

We finished our breastfeeding journey exactly 17 months to the day you were born. I’m so proud of us. Our journey has quite simply been one of the most beautifully emotional experiences of my life.

My eyes are full typing this as I’m experiencing some pretty deep emotions after us stopping. I had been ready to finish a few months ago however I really wanted to see us through the winter and as we mums do, I put pressure on myself to see it through. You didn’t know this but I thought that I would somehow have failed you if I didn’t reach that milestone.

We’ve had it all my boy - an oversupply of rapid river flowing milk, oh how you use to struggle with that but we got there, cracked nipples, oral thrush, 10,345 blocked ducts, mastitis, expressing for 1 year, endless latch challenges and a good few chomps on the nipple, which thankfully was short lived. 

My love for our journey exceeds any challenge we’ve had 100 fold. I am so grateful we got to do this together as I know many wish for it and can’t. I also know it’s not for many and that’s okay too. But this was ours. Our wee special thing we can share forever. 

Feeding you filled my heart with so much love. Looking into your eyes and feeling your little hand and fingers grasp mine is something that is imprinted on my heart forever. The endless nights we spent just the two of us. In our own wee love bubble. I’ll treasure those moments forever. 

I love my body more than ever for what it’s done for us both. It continues to amaze me and I’m so proud of it and me for getting us here. 17 months and look at you. You’re quite simply my everything and I am so grateful that we’ve had this journey together. 

I miss you nuzzling into me in the morning and stroking my face whilst you get your morning milk. I miss it a lot. I am starting to feel a little bit of me come back again and it’s nice. I’ve missed my body being 100% mine. It can be hard to say that out loud but I’ve felt like that for a while. 

So here’s to a whole new chapter. I’m excited for it and can’t wait to see us both thrive. I love you gorgeous boy. Forever and always. xXx


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