Is it time to move from the cot to a bed?

I personally want to avoid asking myself this question for as long as possible. Like many parents, it gives me the fear thinking about having to move my little one out of his cot and into a bed.

I have a really positive relationship with my sons cot. It has provided so much safety, security and some great sleep for him since he moved into it a 6 months old. I feel safe at night knowing he’s in there, not able to wander and not currently in a position to attempt to climb out and hurt himself. He also loves it in there…one thing that’s always made me so happy.

This often isn’t the case the older/bigger our little ones get. It is typically suggested that this transition can take place as early as 18 months up until 3 years. There is never any need to rush this if your little one is happy and safety sleeping in their cot without trying to escape/or have outgrown their sleep space. Moving them to a bed too early will most likely create more problems rather than cure them.

I don’t often work with children over two years however recently worked with an amazing family who’s 19 month old had made this transition due to their little one trying to get out of the cot. This happens sometimes, not often and at this early age, it can prove troublesome and with that, I wanted to share some of my key tips for handling this transition as safely and positively for everyone.

★ Practise the new changes at nap time as well as bedtime. The repetition will go in your favour.

★ A reward chart is a great way of celebrating all the small wins. Include your little one in this. They will love it.

★ Remove any toys/distractions or anything that could be seen as “stimulating”. We want to remove anything that could be getting in the way of sleep.

★ Consider adding a child safety gate to their bedroom door. This is the safest way to keep them in their room at night.

★ Add cushioned bed rails underneath the fitted sheet for added comfort/snugness. They will have a lot of new space in their bigger bed & may feel more relaxed & comfortable if they are “safely” cocooned a little more.

★ Get your little one to choose new bedding & put it on together. Communicating all of the changes & also involving them, are two of the biggest emotional factors when working on cot/bed transitions.

★ Stick to keeping them in a sleeping bag as long as possible (if they are currently sleeping in one). It will keep them warm consistently through the night & reduce the risk of them kicking their covers off & needing you to help put them back on.

★ Introduce a bedtime buddy, such as a favourite teddy bear for your little one to sleep with at night (always ensure it has no loose parts that could risk choking). Having this added comfort beside them during wakes, will settle & relax them more & also reduce the likelihood of them needing you outside genuine unsettledness (illness, teething, scared etc.)

★ Consider doing role play activities with your little one’s teddy bears/toys, where you re-enact the bedtime routine. Let them take the lead after showing them so they feel in charge. This will offer them more independence & also secretly practise their own routine several times unknowingly.

Good luck for when this time comes. Some little ones nail it quickly and others take time. Patience and resilience will help you massively during this time.


And just like that, I have a 2 year old


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