Top 3 tips for the 4th Trimester

My husband and I talk about this a lot. We found doing the things below really helped take the heat off of us in the early days. Like everything, it wasn’t always perfect however, it did make a huge difference to how well our days went when we kept to this mindset.

Let go of the housework

Repeat after me, let go of the housework. So many of my clients, myself included, put so much expectation on ourselves to be on top of everything in the house. I succumbed to the fact this was not going to happen quite quickly. It felt empowering. Scrub the bath or cuddle and stare at Clyde for 4 hours? Clyde you win! Laundry for me was enough. Honestly, I had one baby but my laundry basket had 10?! Find ways of prioritizing what really really needs done and accepting that the rest will wait and get done when it can. Take the pressure off of yourself. You are doing amazingly and deserve to be celebrated, not left feeling guilty because the hoovers gathering dust on it, rather than in it.

Tag Team

This can be with your partner, family member or anyone who is helping you care for your little one. Someone sleeps while the other stays with the baby. This won’t be forever however prioritizing both of your sleep, even if it’s just a few hours, will help you function better and make you feel less like an extra from a zombie movie.

It's okay to say no

The pressure is real in those early days. Nothing can quite prepare you for it the first time round and people are just so excited to meet your beautiful baby. Here comes the but…you’re exhausted, emotional, overwhelmed, recovering from childbirth, finding your feet and let’s be honest, totally lost in a cloud of love with your baby. Bask in these moments as they pass so fast. This time is precious and pressure needs to stay in its place and give you the time you need and deserve as a new family.


To follow, or not to follow - that is the question


My 5 Baby Sleep Essentials