3 Reasons Why I am Better Than Google

10,245…officially the number of times I have typed into Google “Why won’t my baby sleep for more than 33 minutes”. Google is fantastic when used in a productive way. We are lucky to have it in many ways as it makes information much more readily accessible that it was when we were younger (disclaimer: I am an 80’s child and this may not resonate with you if you’re more of a spring chick than me - I spent my younger life constantly wondering about a lot of things or waiting until the 00’s to get the answer. Wow, I used to be patient!).

And so, I felt there was a real place for this topic on our blog this week. I think almost every client I have worked with has mentioned their exhaustive 2am Google sessions or that they’ve been lost searching for hours/days trying to find the solutions to their problems, often only to find out nothing helpful. 

I believe I’m a human version of Google in a sense, a “GooWoman” if you like and bring just a little more to the table when supporting tired parents who are trying to solve their little one’s sleep challenge and here’s some of the reasons why. 

I don’t have all of the answers…but…I have the right answers. If you want to have the best success of improving sleep, you want to be specific to your little one and their own sleep challenge. My approach is bespoke and thorough. I get to know your little one and your family and offer the support and guidance I believe will get you to your end goal of more sleep for everyone. 

I am not generic. I’ve spoken about this many times before. There’s a place for generic advice, however, if you’ve got a specific sleep problem related to your little one that will not improve, generic advice is not the best fit. Averages can be taken literally by tired parents (I am included in this) and end up causing us more anxiety/problems than improvements. Your little one is unique in their own beautiful way and sometimes having a quick chat with an expert (exactly why I have my free discovery calls) can save you hours/days/weeks of online scrolling. I love when I speak to clients during discovery calls and they have an “AHA moment”. Not everyone needs sleep support and it feels amazing knowing that in 15 minutes, I have helped a parent feel better about their situation.

I am a real person. I pride myself on being compassionate, empathetic, motivated, supportive and knowledgeable and channel all of these positive emotions through to my clients. Working on sleep challenges is hard. It’s exhausting when you're often already sleep deprived. Having a real person on hand to support and guide you through this time is something quite special. This can sometimes be through us building a relationship on social media, having a discovery call or if you decide you need full 1:1 sleep support from me. Whatever path you take, you’ll get the real me every time and I am always so grateful for those of you who put your trust in me. 


The Not So Secret Tip to a Calmer Bedtime


To follow, or not to follow - that is the question