My Top 5 Tips for Working on Sleep

Do you ever wish that there was a magic wand or a genie in a lamp when working on your little ones sleep? If only eh?! The hard truth is that working on sleep is really challenging, asks a lot of you as a parent/human and it takes time for any sustainable improvements to fall into place.

Please don’t let this put you off though. Nothing good comes easy and what is 10 - 14 nights of effort, consistency and resilience if the end result is a happier, well rested family. I am a realist and super transparent when setting expectations with the families I support. The reason I do this is because I feel it is 100% important for you to know what’s being asked of you. Timing is everything and ensuring you are ready to go all in and commit to it is what will get you the best results.

To help you on your journey to better sleep for everyone, I have some tips that I always share with the parents who I support:

  1. Commitment, consistency and remaining resilient on the toughest of days will lead the best improvements.

  2. Work together. Being on the same page about sleep with your partner or anyone who is supporting you on your sleep journey is key. Tag team and be each others cheerleaders through the process. Honestly, this support will help get you through any “let’s throw the towel in” moments.

  3. Don’t expect overnight miracles. You can often see things get worse before they get better. Trust the process. Patience will be your super power during this period of change.

  4. Do one thing at a time and be consistent with it for at least 10-14 days before trying something different. Give things a chance to change and improve.

  5. If any illness pops up, hit pause. The odds are against you when working on sleep during this time and it’s important to prioritise rest and recovery and take any pressure off of yourself and your little one until they/you are better.

    Stay strong, remember your “why” on the tough days and always celebrate all of your wins, no matter how small. This will help you on your sleep journey and I really hope that you all get some more sleep. You’ve got this!


Why it’s Time for Me to Sleep Better


Do I Really Need to Work on Sleep?