Coping Strategies - My Top Tips for The Newborn Months

So many new parents (myself included), find the newborn months a real shellshock. It can be hard to see the woods for the trees at times and not know how, where or when to start working on sleep.

My advise is always super simple for the newborn months. It’s about finding a new way that work’s for you as a family, not working on sleep specifically. Your baby has certain “newborn needs” and you finding your way into parenthood are both important factors that should be acknowledged.

Simple coping strategies can reduce and sometimes remove the “WOW” factor out of certain situations in those early months. I’ve shared some of my top tips below on the areas I feel deserve the most limelight.

Rest, Recover and Restore

Be okay with saying no. Care for self as well as your baby. Podcasts, daily walks, a daily shower and listen to your mind and body. The housework can wait.

Include Baby into Your Daily Routine

After a few weeks, you may want to start going out to see friends/family, go for lunch etc. Including your baby into your “normal” daily routine helps to regulate their developing body clock.

Distinguish the Difference Between Day and Night

It’s easy and very acceptable in those early weeks, for everything to blend into one. However, as our babies grow and to support the development of their own circadian rhythm (body clock), you should aim to keep the days bright and the nights dark. This will aid your sleep as well as your baby’s.

Take Support Where You Can

Take all the help you can and want to. This temporary period will feel tough and exhausting at times and building and using your support network will help greatly.


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