3 Things I Appreciate More Since Becoming a Mum

With Clyde’s 2nd birthday approaching in September, I have started to reflect more on my journey into parenthood so far. Man, it’s been a ride.

I always knew I would find it one hell of a journey. I’m not maternal by nature (this is not a negative thing, it’s honest and by no mean’s reflects on how much I love my son). The changes in my body, mind and priorities have been so big that I could have never anticipated them. A global pandemic definitely accelerated some of them, however I think most of them are experienced or at least felt to some extent by most parents.

The optimist in me wants to acknowledge and celebrate these, rather than focus too much on the wow factor I felt going through them all. I’m pretty open about my feelings and really believe as parent’s, we should feel more safe in speaking openly to one and other about how bloody hard it can be being a parent and even more so, a woman who has carried and delivered a baby.

So here are the 3 things I have a whole new appreciation for since becoming a mum:

My Body

For 9 months I grew a baby. My body went through so much in order for me to do this (I have endometriosis and it was quite the journey getting to this point). I was able to stay healthy and super active until 12 hours before giving birth, recovered beautifully following my caesarean section, nourished my boy through our 17 months of breastfeeding and continued to become stronger and healthier in a whole new way. My body is different than pre Clyde. It’s taken time for me to bond with it and acknowledge the changes that come from one of life’s most beautiful gifts of having a baby. I am forever grateful for being able to bring Clyde into the world and for my body for carrying me safely through this whole journey.

How I Protect my Mental Wellbeing

COVID has a lot to answer for. It’s taken me a very long time to get to where I am and there’s always room for progress however, I most definitely understand and respect my own mental wellbeing so much more having been pregnant/become a parent during this time. Through the years I have looked to others to bring me joy, to celebrate me and to make me feel better about me. That’s a hell of a lot of expectation on others and realistically, never going to make me feel great about myself. The shift is now on me. I love me, I celebrate me, I do things to make me feel better about me. Everyone else is now just along for the ride and my focus on the areas that don’t bring me joy or happiness are much clearer. I don’t go there. I have a choice. I always have and it’s much clearer now.

Setting Realistic Expectations

I’ve achieved some pretty big things throughout my life. I’m a real believer in making the most of the time we have here. No regrets mentality really (this has bit me in my ass a few times but we learn over regret). My bar is always high. I love it being that way however now I have further mini plus 1 in my life, I have taken the time to look at things differently. I want to achieve things to make me and my family proud but also want to live in the moment, cherish the memories real time and not be constantly looking forward to the next bigger or better thing. We miss out of so much when we put too much pressure on ourselves. My priorities are so much clearer, realistic and in fact, I’ve achieved way more in my life since making this change. It’s often the smallest changes that bring us the greatest happiness.


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