Things I’ll be continuing in 2023

I’m a reflector. I love looking back, taking the time to reflect on what’s come my way and what I’ve achieved or now aspire to achieve. Life is often racing at 100 mph and I think as humans we are programmed to just keep going, focus on what’s ahead and move on from what has been.

Sure I like that too. No need to stay stuck in the past however, rather than constantly wanting to move on to the next thing, setting “resolutions” or swearing to break habits that no longer serve you any good; what about acknowledging what you’ve introduced to your life that you now love, that unexpected new hobby or interest that you never saw coming, something you achieved that you didn’t quite think possible or even set our to door something that totally knocked you off your feet but you now feel inspired by it more than anxious.

I’m rare in that I actually quite like change. I like it more than things remaining static. I have over the last few years though, swayed more to having some constants in my life and encourage myself to invest more time, heart and energy into things, rather that moving on to the next “interest” too quickly. So at the end of each year, I like to capture the things I plan on keeping in my life, like a metal health and wellbeing spring clean if you like.

Here’s some of the key players that will be staying put for the foreseeable:

  • Adapting my training to support my new body. I’ve changed over the last few years and exercising the way I once did no longer suits me. I’ve taken the time this year to let my body rest, heal and start to re-build (it’s been very hard as exercise and training is as good as breathing to me). I now hear my body when I train (my new gym and I love it - if you're around the Glasgow area have a look). Knowing what feels good and what doesn’t and explore new options that are going to challenge me in lots of new ways (I’ve just started Pilates Reformer classes and will keep you posted on this new journey of mine).

  • Educating myself about The Perimenopause/Menopause. I’m 39 next year, my body is changing, I feel it, see it and can’t turn blind from the fact that as a woman, this stage in my life is coming in the next 10 years. So rather than fear it (disclaimer: I did, big time), I’ve started to educate myself about what IS going to happen. Our symptoms may vary ladies but we are all going to experience The Menopause. We need to know about this huge change in our bodies and what we can do before, during and after to lead healthy and happy lives. Again, my favourite saying applies hear “you don’t know what you don’t know”. So learn (I highly recommend this book as a starting block).

  • Being more positively impulsive. I’ve felt so unbelievably restricted over the last 3 years (cheers COVID!). So earlier this year I decided to actively try and let go a little more. Say yes to more things, not plan so far ahead and life more in the moment. Life has taught us the hardest lesson over the last few years, things can come to a standstill at the blink of an eye. If you can do it now, do it.

  • Reading. I never ever read books. Never. It’s never been my thing and I’ve been all the way through school, college, university and just life in general and I’ve had zero interest. Something changed this year. I think my curiosity in educating myself more on things really took a hold of me and reading was my portal to scratching this itch. I’ve read so many different books and learned so much. I now read almost every night before I go to bed and I love it. Who even am I?!

Maybe give writing your own wee list a shot. Pop pen to paper and see what comes out.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year. Thank you for all of your support and for taking the time to read my blogs. I’m so grateful to be able to share them with you.

Lucy x


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